Chapter 224 - Giving a Sword

The man dressed woman suddenly said, not only was Zhang Ziqiu and Xue Susu shocked, Zhao Chen was also surprised!

He carefully looked at the woman in men's clothing and seriously sized her up! This girl was too beautiful, Zhao Chen confirmed that he had never seen her before! If he had seen such a beautiful girl before, it was impossible that he wouldn't remember!

"Who are you?" Zhao Chen said.

"You don't recognize me?" The woman said in disappointment.

Zhao Chen shook his head! He really did not know this woman in men's clothing!

"Junior Sister Song, you actually know this Junior Brother Zhao?" At this time, Zhang Ziqiu had also recovered from his shock and asked in surprise.

"That's right!" I know him, but they don't know me! Senior brother Zhang, is he your junior brother? " The man dressed in woman pointed at Zhao Chen, and said in disbelief.

"This... "I guess so!" Zhang Ziqiu said somewhat embarrassedly.

He originally thought that no one would be able to recognize Zhao Chen's identity, but who knew that this woman in front of him would recognize him! He did not know how much the lady knew about Zhao Chen, so he could only laugh and say no more!

The young man and woman who were both dressed in men's clothes could tell that there was something more to it. She smiled at once, but she was still a little surprised in her heart when she heard why Zhao Chen was together with Zhang Ziqiu!

"Junior Sister Song, long time no see. How are you? white lotus is about to start a commotion, are you sure you're very busy? " Zhang Ziqiu followed behind his with a fawning smile on his face.

He was handsome, with disheveled hair, making him look unrestrained and unrestrained. This was Zhao Chen's first time seeing him try to please someone, and he immediately felt that it was strange!

However, when he looked at the woman in men's clothing, his face revealed an expression of vigilance! He had traveled with Zhang Ziqiu for more than ten days and he knew that Zhang Ziqiu's personality was carefree. Even though he was from the devil way, he was not one who plotted against others. However, this mysterious woman seemed to recognize him. This was strange! If she knew his identity, then he would be in trouble here!

He almost wanted to turn around and leave, but after some thought, he decided to stay! The three people in front of him, Zhang Ziqiu, Xue Susu and the young lady in male attire were all talented geniuses in the demonic path, all of them were experts in martial arts, probably no one was weaker than him! If the girl in men's clothing really wanted to do him harm, she could have taken him down now. If she didn't, it meant that she thought of him as someone else or didn't have any ill intentions! After thinking for a moment, he decided to stay!

Just as he had told Kang An and the others, he was already prepared to enter the tiger cave and thoroughly investigate the situation in the white lotus. This time, he was going to Sichuan to take care of the affairs of the white lotus! According to what Sichuan Xuanfu had told Zhao Kai and Zhang Yang, the white lotus was on the verge of a large-scale rebellion, and he had to rush over here to stop this matter!

"Junior Sister Song, you like jade. All these years, I have traveled the world and found a beautiful piece of jade in Mount Kunlun. I will find a craftsman to carve it carefully and present it to junior sister!" Zhang Ziqiu was still standing around the lady in men's clothing, trying to please his.

He took out a piece of jade with extreme seriousness. This jade was a milky white color, but there was a blood-red glow in the center! At this time, this jade piece had been carved into the shape of a phoenix, it was vivid and lifelike! He handed the jade to the girl in men's clothing!

But at that moment, the man dressed in white seemed to be absent-minded, her eyes kept sneaking glances at Zhao Chen!

Zhang Ziqiu's attention was completely focused on the woman in men's clothing, and he did not notice any difference! However, Yinyang Sect was secretly surprised, she naturally knew the identity of this man dressed in men's clothing. In the past, he had always been aloof and superior to other men, but now, he was treating this man with contempt!

"Senior brother Zhang, I appreciate your kindness!" However, I cannot accept such a treasure! " The lady in men looked at Zhang Ziqiu and smiled.

"This is not a great treasure! If Junior Sister doesn't want this item, I have no one to give it to, so I had to smash it! " Zhang Ziqiu clenched his teeth and said.

"Since that's the case, I'll accept it!" The woman in men's clothing said.

As she spoke, she looked at Zhao Chen, wanting to know what he was thinking. However, Zhao Chen was still on his guard right now, and he was already different from that chaotic youth from back then. His expression did not change in the slightest, as if he hadn't seen anything.

"Junior Sister Xue, I am very happy that you've come to Chuan Shu! Today, I shall offer this precious jade to you as a gift! " The man dressed in white clothes suddenly looked towards Xue Susu and laughed.

"AHH!" Xue Susu was stunned at first, but then smiled and said, "Alright! "I, your sister, love you dearly, so I will naturally accept you!"

She kept the precious jade, her face full of joy, while Zhang Ziqiu opened his mouth wide, and finally let out a soft sigh!

He didn't know why he would be interested in this woman in men's clothing! Perhaps it was love at first sight! The first time he had laid eyes on this woman, he had been extremely moved. However, this woman had always looked down on him! In fact, he wasn't the only one with this woman. All the men in the world were looked down upon by her! She was the white lotus of this world, pure and flawless, independent of the world. How could she take a man seriously?

"Everyone, please come with me to the main altar!" The woman in men's clothing said.

The journey was smooth sailing. When they arrived at the main altar of the white lotus, the man dressed in the clothes immediately arranged a place for everyone to rest!

Her position in the white lotus was extremely high, and she was in charge here. The disciples immediately followed her instructions!

Zhao Chen and Zhang Ziqiu were arranged to stay in the same inn! They were on the second floor, and they saw a large lake below them. The scenery in the lake was exceptionally beautiful, and they could see wild ducks swimming about. Occasionally, there were even mandarins!

A gentle breeze blew. The two of them were currently at the window, looking at the scenery.

"Who is that Junior Sister Song person?" Zhao Chen said.

"Don't you know her? Why does she know you? " This was also what Zhang Ziqiu was very surprised about.

"I don't know about that!" Zhao Chen laughed bitterly.

He couldn't understand why the woman in men's clothing would recognize him! Until now, he still had no impression of the woman in men's clothing!

"She is an important person in the white lotus! It could even be called the strongest person of our Devil Sect, the only one to have stepped into the middle Xiantian realm! " Zhang Ziqiu said.

"What's her name?" Zhao Chen said.

"Song Qingyao!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

Zhao Chen thought about it, he had never heard of this name before! He still shook his head!

"Strange, she actually recognizes you! Furthermore, I am so happy to see you like this! If she treats me like this, that would be great! Unfortunately, no matter how much I try to please her, she won't budge! " Zhang Ziqiu's voice was filled with sorrow!

"Brother Zhang, you are a handsome man, why are you doing this for a woman?" Zhao Chen could not help but laugh and say.

"You are still young and don't know what love is for! If there was a beauty, he wouldn't forget it! "To not see you in one day, to think like crazy!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

What Zhang Ziqiu had said was something from the《 Phoenix Cry Phoenix》! Legend has it that Sima Xiang wrote a zither song after he moved Zhuo Wenjun and accompanied it with a poem. Among them, the first line said there was a beauty, Xi Xi …

"If you have ambition in your heart, you naturally wouldn't be trapped by the love of a girl!" Zhao Chen shook his head and said.

He was a sovereign, and from the age of ten, he understood that a man has to be steel-blooded and merciless! He did not have the mind or the energy to deal with matters that were related to a girl's heart! He even felt that his heart was somewhat cold and detached, making it difficult for him to grow up as a girl!

"Sigh!" You are so boring! Tell me, how can I please her? " Zhang Ziqiu said.

"To please a person, the key thing is to know that person's hobby! Do you know what this Miss Song likes? " Zhao Chen said.

"She likes beautiful jade, loves precious swords, and loves all sorts of exquisite things! That's why I went to Karakorum to look for beauties, but she didn't like it! Oh right, why don't you give me your Pure Jun Sword? I will give this sword to her, she will definitely like it! " Zhang Ziqiu suddenly said.

"That won't do! This Pure Jun Sword is extremely valuable, if I were to use it to sweep across the battlefield, would I give it to you as a gift to please my lady? " Zhao Chen rejected it without hesitation!

"Sigh!" I beg of you, give me this sword! After this matter is over, I will go find the treasure sword and give it back to you! The Pure Jun Sword might be valuable, but there were still a few other treasured swords in the world that were not inferior to the Pure Jun Sword! For example, the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword in the hands of Emperor Xuanwu is from Tang Gao Zong, Tang Tai Zong, Song Tai Zu, Song Tai Zong and other generations of emperors. It is exceptionally precious and definitely not inferior to the Pure Jun Sword. Zhang Ziqiu said anxiously.

Zhao Chen stood there in a daze, not knowing whether to laugh or cry! The Pure Jun Sword was his treasured sword, and the Seven Star Dragon's Abyss Sword was also his treasured sword. Now Zhang Ziqiu was actually going to use the Seven Star Dragon's Abyss Sword to exchange for his Pure Jun Sword!

"Sorry, I can't give you this sword!" Zhao Chen shook his head.

"Bro, I beg of you! From today onwards, if you have any requests, I will definitely not reject them! " Zhang Ziqiu said.

Zhao Chen still shook his head!

Zhang Ziqiu shook his head, he took a step back and actually kneeled down in front of Zhao Chen!

After a while, he frowned and said: "Men have gold under their knees! Hurry and get up, don't make me look down on you! "

The people he looked down on the most in his life were those who lacked integrity and bones! On that day, he had kneeled down to Zhe Keqiu as well, but that was all for the sake of numbing Zhe Keqiu and had no choice but to do so. He wanted to wield power, to realize his ambitions! But now, this Zhang Ziqiu actually kneeled in front of him because of a girl, he felt extreme disdain!

He originally liked Zhang Ziqiu a lot. Although everyone had different values and preferences, this person's unruliness and unruliness was still very pleasing to people's eyes.

"Brother, I beg of you, give me this sword! In the future, I'll bring out the Seven Star Dragon's Abyss Sword and gift it to you. What do you think? " Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Get up first!" Zhao Chen said.

"Bro, if you don't agree, then I won't get up!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"I agree!" Zhao Chen said.

Zhang Ziqiu was overjoyed, and immediately stood up and said: "Really?"

Zhao Chen said, "Of course it's true! But I don't want the Seven Star Dragon's Abyss Sword, from now on I want you to do one thing! No matter what it is, you have to do it! "

Zhang Ziqiu continuously nodded, and said: "Alright, alright, alright, I will definitely agree!"

Zhao Chen laughed, then took down the Pure Jun Sword and handed it over to Zhang Ziqiu!

Although a treasured sword was valuable, a talent like it was even more precious! This Zhang Ziqiu was a rising star of the devil sect, he was a talent! Most importantly, Zhang Ziqiu was a disciple of the Guo Yao, and this Guo Yao was a general of three generations, with a hundred thousand resent army in his hands! One day, he might come into contact with the resent army, and at that time, this Zhang Ziqiu would be able to play a role!

With his current status, the first thing he could do was to consider the benefits! If he did not have any benefits, even if Zhang Ziqiu was to kneel here the entire time, he would not be able to deliver the Pure Jun Sword into Zhang Ziqiu's hands!

Zhang Ziqiu took the Pure Jun Sword, his face full of excitement, and said: "I'll give this sword to Junior Sister Song right now!"

He left excitedly, but Zhao Chen still stood by the window and thought about who exactly the Junior Sister Song was!

At night, Zhang Ziqiu returned with a face full of joy!

He wanted to talk to Zhao Chen, but Zhao Chen was already sitting cross-legged on the bed, meditating and cultivating!

Zhang Ziqiu was a little depressed in his heart, thinking that Zhao Chen's life was too boring, he trained nonstop every day, so what if he was number one in the world in martial arts! He had learned exquisite martial arts from a young age, so his talent was also extremely high. However, due to his personality, he was destined not to train himself everyday, so he was not able to compare to Song Qingyao in the later generation of the Devil Dao!

For the next few days, Zhao Chen stayed at the main altar of white lotus!

On the 25th of May, Zhang Ziqiu brought Zhao Chen and left the room. They arrived at an empty land in the middle of the small town.

At this moment, the empty space was filled with people. Countless tables and chairs were placed there!

Zhang Ziqiu led Zhao Chen to a table in front of them, and sat down. There were other people seated around the table!

Some distance away, more people were either standing or sitting on the ground! Those who were able to sit at the table were all people with status!

"All the important figures of the white lotus will be here today to discuss big things! In addition, there were also many talented people from the Devil Dao who would come! We'll just watch from here! " Zhang Ziqiu said.

Zhao Chen nodded. He knew that today was the critical moment, and was very excited in his heart!

Gradually, there were more and more people, and the surroundings also became noisy!

Most of these people were from the martial arts world, but there were also some who were dressed like rich men! There were even some that dressed up like gentry! All these years, the white lotus had invaded Sichuan and secretly developed their power there. Many rich and powerful people had joined the white lotus.

There were at least a thousand people in this open space!

At this moment, a beautiful young man walked over!

This beautiful young man was the young girl dressed in men's clothes that Zhao Chen had seen the other day.

"This is the Young Sect Master of the white lotus! The number one person in our demonic sect's younger generation! " Someone beside him said.

"She is so beautiful! "I'm afraid no one in this world can compare to her!" Another person said.

"Unfortunately, she doesn't care about any of the men in the world! Until now, no man has been able to win her heart! " Another person said.

The people around him were discussing, while Zhang Ziqiu was staring at Song Qingyao who was on the stage, staring intently, as though he had become an idiot!

There were many people like Zhang Ziqiu down below, and many of them were looking at Song Qingyao with dumbfounded expressions!

Song Qingyao glanced at Zhao Chen and smiled at him! Zhang Ziqiu's face revealed an extremely happy expression, he had thought that Zhao Chen was smiling at him, and immediately smiled even more!

After a while, a few more people walked up the stage. Without exception, all of them were women!

In the end, a middle-aged woman walked onto the stage. As she arrived, everyone stood up!

Zhao Chen immediately recognized him, this was the 'Infernal Queen' that tried to assassinate him!

"This is the white lotus's Sect Leader!" Zhang Ziqiu said softly.

Zhao Chen nodded.

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